Category: Life

  • Dating in Zimbabwe, The truth

    Dating in Zimbabwe, The truth

    Dating in Zimbabwe is a lot like dating in any other country. You meet someone, you get to know them, you like them, and then you decide if they’re worth the time and effort it takes to pursue a relationship. ( Add in extra steps : What you bring to the table, Whose table it…

  • Adulting and adult problems i wasn’t prepared for.

    Adulting and adult problems i wasn’t prepared for.

    I wanted to be an adult so bad as a kid. The freedom to come home late, spend money and eat certain foods. The whole concept of adulthood fascinated me, I wanted to have grown up conversations, watch the news, chase my kids out of the living and whisper things to my beautiful wife. Adulthood…

  • Pieces of Me #02- Failing at Love

    Pieces of Me #02- Failing at Love

    This is probably one of those posts that will make you shrug — like wait, “Q, you go through this too?”. First and foremost, I must say, my experiences are subjective and there are not meant to demean or shame anyone I’ve met in my love expedition . I call it an expedition because its…

  • We’re all a Little broken

    We’re all a Little broken

    We’re all a little broken. Well, some more than others but we all have scars. Some people are still nursing the wounds daily because some traumas have life-long lasting effects. Our pains emanate from different spectrums and the ones closest to us are the ones that break us the most, family, friends, and relationships. Not…

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